As little children we'd dream of Christmas morn
And all the gifts and toys we knew we’d find
But we never realized a baby born one blessed night
Gave us the greatest gift of our lives
We are the reason that He gave His life
We were the reason that He suffered and died
To a world that was lost He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live
As the years went by we learned more of our gifts
The giving of ourselves and what that means
On a dark and cloudy day a man hung crying in the rain
Because of love
Because of love
I finally found the reason for living
It’s in giving every part of my heart to Him (every part to Him)
And all that I do every word that I say (you know I’ll be saying)
I will give all my life just for Him, just for Him (every thing for Him)
We are the reason that He gave His life
We are the reason that He suffered and died
To a world that was lost He gave all He could give (all that he could give all)
To show us the reason to live
#He is the reason to live
(don’t you know do you know the reason
that he came, oh he came to save us
when he gave his life for us) he suffered and died
To a world that was lost He gave everything (everything that He had He gave)
To show us the reason to live
*chorus + # together
Don’t know how I could thank Jesus all that he had all..
*chorus + # together
are you now feel worthy enough? Yesterday I felt so scared to faced my future and felt sudden emptiness in my heart. That is because an invisible distance between me and my heavenly Father...i overcome by my burden and situation i faced. on my birthday I've wrote to be careful for every little holes that can become a big dynamite in our life when devil use it. Without God, we are nothing...My heart beat so hard when I declared that I feel lonely, i feel empty, and the most broken is when i stated that i'm useless. I didn't have any HOPE, i didn't have heart of believe because i always look back through my experience, I failed several times to build relationship with people either it is man or woman. I felt that many people around me except my family; throw me away. I have negative thinking about myself and others. I felt that so many people there have so happily life rather than me. Suddenly i remember how i strengthening others then now i live exactly same life as them but it couldn't pull me out from wonders of uselessness but I got a "slap" through God's word that declared as a status from my cousin." why you are so afraid? Why you don't believe me?" Those two sentences suddenly "slap" me to make me realize that God never leave me. He provide all what i need in His time. For some of my expectations, wills, and wonders that didn't filled yet, God have said: wait to His time or no because He has better plan. He is never too late but never too early. Each person blessed according to their needs and capacity.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Iri Hati
Sebuah kisah klasik apakah yang sering kita dengar mengenai iri hati? Tentu saja kisah mengenai Kain dan Habel. Kain membunuh Habel karena dia iri melihat bahwa persembahan yang Habel berikan pada Tuhan diterima sedangkan persembahannya tidak diterima.
Tetapi sejujurnya cerita itu bukan hanya menjadi kisak klasik tetapi harusnya merema dalam hidup kita. Kita melihat dan mengetahui bahwa iri hati yang ditimbulkan oleh Kain membawanya dalam dosa, yaitu membunuh adiknya sendiri.
Pada hari ini, kita melihat bahwa banyak sekali realita yang menunjukan bahwa orang-orang di sekeliling kita memiliki banyak harta yang melimpah ruah dibanding dengan kta. Kita tidak pernah puas dengan apa yang kita miliki.
Kita terus melihat orang-orang yang berada di level atas. Tidak ada yang salah untuk menjadikan mereka acuan dalam hidup kita tetapi ketika kita memAndang apa yang mereka miliki dan mulai iri hati, dosa sedang mengincar di sekeliling kita.
Sebagai contoh,ketika kita mulai iri hati, hati kita menjadi tidak tulus dan murni dalam melakukan segala sesuatunya. Janganlah kita iri melihat berkat yang Tuhan berikan pada orang lain,tetapi mengucap syukurlah atas apa yang kita miliki saat ini.
Bacaan:Kejadian 4
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Jangan Buka Celah!
Jangan Buka Celah
Manusia jatuh dalam dosa bukanlah suatu perikop yang asing bagi kita umat Kristiani. Tetapi apa makna dari proses tersebut sering kali kita abaikan. Hawa membuat sebuah kesalahan kecil yang berakibat fatal bagi semua orang.
Hawa tidak menghindar dari godaan si jahat. Kita dapat melihatnya dari apa yang Hawa lakukan pada Kej 3:1-6. Disana kita dapat melihat bahwa Hawa menyelewengkan perintah Tuhan dengan cara melebih-lebihkan perkataan Tuhan.
Banyak dari orang Kristen yang melakukan hal yang sama. Ketika godaan datang yang kita lakukan adalah menghampiri dosa tersebut dan seolah-olah menantangnya. Orang Kristen bukan lah orang yang terluput dari godaan si jahat.
Celah sekecil apapun dapat membuat Anda terperosok masuk lubang yang dala. Ketika Hawa tidak menjauhkan dirinya dari godaan tetapi justru menghampirinya, dosa terjadi, dan hukuman Allah pun turun atas ke tiga oknum tersebut (Kej 3:14-19).
Celah yang kecil dapat dilihat oleh iblis yang kita perangi, kapan, dan dimana saja.Kita dapat membangun kerajaan Allah dalam hidup kita selama bertahun-tahun dan dalam sekejap mata saja segala usahamu akan sia-sia jika Anda membuka celah.
Bacaan : Kejadian 3
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Which One?
Which one?
Manusia sering kali berbicara bahwa saya rasa saya telah saatnya membutuhkan pasangan hidup. Tak terluput saya pun pernah mengatakannya. Tapi apabila kita telaah lebih lanjut lagi, kita mendapati bahwa pasangan hidup seseorang telah ditentukan waktunya oleh Tuhan
Tuhan lah yang melihat apakah kita telah siap untuk memiliki pasangan hidup atau belum. Kita dapat melihatnya dari Kej 2: 15-25. Disana kita dapat melihat bahwa Allah lah yang berinisiatif untuk memberikan pasangan hidup kepada Adam,bukan Adam yang memintanya.
Percayalah bahwa pasangan hidup itu adalah berkat dari Allah dan bukan hanya sekedar pengisi kekosongan hati/malu terhadap lingkungan karena Anda masih sendiri. Allah mengetahui setiap hati manusia dan memberikan apa yang menjadi kebutuhan anak-anak Nya.
Masalahnya sekarang adalah sering kali manusia lebih fokus terhadap berkat-berkat Nya bukan pada Tuhan dan datang dengan daftar permintaan. Tak ada salahnya kita meminta pasangan hidup pada Tuhan tetapi jangan fokuskan hidup Anda terhadap berkat Nya tetapi berfokuslah pada Tuhan Allah kita.
Saat ini apa yang akan Anda pilih , berkatNya atau Tuhan sendiri? Fokus Anda menentukan jalan mana yang akan Anda pilih dalam menjalani hidup ini.
Bacaan : Kejadian 2
Monday, November 21, 2011
God’s Creation
God’s Creation
Sedari dini sering kita mendengar bahwa kita dan dunia ini adalah ciptaan Allah. Segala alam semesta dapat kita manfaatkan dengan sebaik-baiknya. Namun apa yang telah kita lakukan kepada alam ini tidak menujukan citra asli dari alam yang kita huni ini.
Pada mulanya Allah menciptakan segalanya dengan baik terlihat dari Kej1: 3-31. Segala yang diciptakan Allah adalah baik terlebih lagi kita sebagai anak-anaknya. Kita berhak memanfaatkan apa saja yang diberikan Allah bagi kita karena kita menjadi segambar dan serupa dengan Allah.
Namun manusia yang merasa memiliki hak untuk dapat memanfaatkannya, telah melakukan perusakan lingkungan. Apabila kita adalah manusia yang sejati, kita tidak akan melakukan perusakan pada lingkungan karena kita adalah anak-anak yang serupa dan segambar dengan Allah. Sehingga kita seharusnya lebih berhati-hati lagi dalam memanfaatkan apa yang telah Allah berikan.
Kita sebagai manusia berusahalah sebaik mungkin untuk dapat memanfaatkan lingkungan dengan baik dan benar bukan dengan explotasi besar-besaran apalagi dengan disertai perusakan lingkungan.
Cintailah Lingkungan Hidup kita yang telah diciptakan baik adanya oleh Tuhan Allah kita agar anak cucu kita dapat merasakan lingkungan yang baik pula.
Bacaan: Kejadian 1
Monday, November 14, 2011
SMP till SMA
Ok, Let's start again. My life school in the junior high school didn't run smoothly. Last time i post said that one of gang in my school start to push me. The leader of the gang was a girl among many boys and few girls. In that time, that gang is one of the most famous gang that have power and ability to 'kick' out people that they do not want to see. If a student become that gang member, it is mean that he will become powerful. After they pushed me to testing me before i recruid to became their member. The leader put me in the condition that i'm guilty,She said that she will not stop until i cried and confess that she is powerful. I refuse to join with them and obey their rules. After several times of attack they did to me, i never cried even once, it make the leader saw a great princip in my life that she never found in her life. She declares that Priska is the member and have same power. Once again, i refused to be called as their member because I didn't want to push other people.
My 7th grade has passed and we move to 8th grade
Based on the experience in 7th grade, I laready have a plan to protect myself. In the 7th grade i never said uselesswords, i never mad to other people but when i studied in the 8th grade, the whole world of mine changed. My cognitive scored goes down, against teachers, and became some on rude. All of those things was happened in the first semester of 8th grade. If we are now in 2009, i will regret for what i've done along my school years. But now in 2011, i can smile and said that the process that God let me to feel is not useless because I really enjoy my 8th grader life that full with cherish and purity. I was lost once and i don't want to see my students did the same like me about useless words and rude actions. I can changed in the second semester after i join with one retreat that held by my local church. I always remember that EVERY THING WE DO AND EVERY WORD WE SAY,HAVE CONSEQUENCES since that i commit my self to control my words.
As a girl i ever fall in love and he is my first love. In the first meeting, we argue each other to divide our table. His stuffs are not allowed to be in my area and opposite. We divide it by metal ruler(my area) and plastic ruler(his area). I gave this rule because i hate him. He always disturb my friends and i can't accept it. He obviously put his things on my area until i mad to him. The first impression sentence that i ever heard is " Why you hates me? Am i made any mistakes to you?" I just think in silent and realize that my friends should not affect my relation with any body else. I said to him, you always disturb my friend, my friend said it to me. He replied, have you ever know me before until you can judge me based on your friends opinion? In short, i impressed with him because he is not like what my friends said. Everyday we sang 3 favorites songs. So many beautiful days goes on but we never called our selves as a couple. literaly i can't said that i ever "in a relationship".
In the 9th grade our friendship stand still until he have to move from my school in senior high school. I faced a dilematic problem here. i confused to decide rather i have to letting go or move with him. In the other sidem there is one girl that put symphaty on him and tried to put me down. My best friends even became a backstabber and put my name on gambling table with him. They did't think about my feelings. But I decide to stay and forget all of those sad memories.
I came to a new pages in my life. Like another junior high students that feel proud to be senior one, so do i. I enter a new page on my life because i have to find a friend from the start again. In this stage, i have 3 best friends until now. Three womans with one man and that man always sat with me. Many teachers that went into our class always made sugesstion to build a special relationship with him. I never thaught that i will have any special relationship with him. This grade also become one of factors that made me choose social studies. I found difficulties to remember all of latin name in Biology, Besides that, I don't like to sank in competition. I guess almost all of smart persons go to IPA but the reality is not like that.
In the eleven grade I actually start to search the 'one' that can replaced my last experience that yet so unforgetable. I pray and I not really concern of it until one day , i went to Bandung and join with one competition. Day before i go, i said that i will never believe love in the first sight. It is what happened to me. oh no, what's happen to me. I build close relationship as a fiend about 2 months, but those coupke months make me have a wrong concept about the ideal man in my life. I put expectations to have some one that put attentionon one me from morning until night. I love the one that have criterias like that or the one more than it. I seacrh not a true love but the one that can make a new status on my life.
In the twelve grade i still have a worries of it but not as big as in the XI grade because I put my attention to search university and can graduate from high be continued...
In the 9th grade our friendship stand still until he have to move from my school in senior high school. I faced a dilematic problem here. i confused to decide rather i have to letting go or move with him. In the other sidem there is one girl that put symphaty on him and tried to put me down. My best friends even became a backstabber and put my name on gambling table with him. They did't think about my feelings. But I decide to stay and forget all of those sad memories.
I came to a new pages in my life. Like another junior high students that feel proud to be senior one, so do i. I enter a new page on my life because i have to find a friend from the start again. In this stage, i have 3 best friends until now. Three womans with one man and that man always sat with me. Many teachers that went into our class always made sugesstion to build a special relationship with him. I never thaught that i will have any special relationship with him. This grade also become one of factors that made me choose social studies. I found difficulties to remember all of latin name in Biology, Besides that, I don't like to sank in competition. I guess almost all of smart persons go to IPA but the reality is not like that.
In the twelve grade i still have a worries of it but not as big as in the XI grade because I put my attention to search university and can graduate from high be continued...
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
My Journey with God Introduction till SMP
Hello, my name is Priska, for this time i'm 20 years old.I'm a Christian and will become a Teacher. I create this blog to accomodate my longing to share my journey with Christ to this world. Maybe some of you think that no body can understand your problems or you shout that Priest only can give me suggestion without know and feel what i feel.Many people surround me think that I'm a woman/girl without problems, some of them think that i already know manythings, or she can be a happy girl because she never left like what i felt. But through this blog i want to share my life to the world.
I always love teddy bear dolls especially the white one, i love to swim and travelling.I live in the town that not really crowded in Indonesia,Bogor,The Rain City. I live in this town about 17 years. I never live far from my family until i studied in UPH,Karawaci. What a great struggle to faced it. Before i go to far, i want to tell about my family background. My father is an enterpreuner that work in textile industries. My siblings from my father are Catholic or Buddhist in majority. We are the only one that Christian in my father's familiy. My father is my inspiration and my encourager when I faced big problems. He is really patient and really loves me. He is the one that gave my name when i was born on this earth. My mom works in her friend's store after i went to Karawaci. She felt lonely when my father go to work and I attend class on my campus. My mother is my best friend, I can share and can ask any questions about life. She always bring me in her prayer every early morning even since I was still in her womb. She loves me and I love my parent too.
My life begin in this world!....ea...ea...ea.... it is an usual cry when a baby born but not with me...
November 20th,1990, right in my mother's birthday, she woke up and went with my father to search for some food and to celebrate her birthday simply. They finally went to eat Mie ayam, everything still undercontrol and my mom didn't feel anything. They went back to my Grandmother's home and suddenly she felt that the baby will born. In hurry, my father and my mother go to the hospital. It is already noon and the doctor said that the birth process will not begin now..My mom and dad wait for this moment and in short 21th November, my mom start the contraction, it is go on until November22th,1990,6.15 a.m. Finally i was born in this world but when I came out,I didn't breath and cried, the nurse and doctor already panic and worried about me. They hang me inverted and hit my bottom but I still sleep in silent. After the nurse suck up some liquid in my nose finally i awake and just cry for seconds.
In the year I was born, my family only hang their economic condition on my father's salaries as a salesman. My mom couldn't go to work because she have to bedrest along 1st trisemester of her pregnancy. My grandmother really worried about my family's condition but my mother only could pray and ask for God's companion from her 1st week until now. She pray to God that she gave a child that grow in her womb to God. My parent agree each other and they want to give me whatever the condition and term. After I was born, God always provides help to occupied my family needs. He never let my family couldn't eat even for a day.
I grow as a child that "know" God and His blessing. I can tell my friends to repent from their sins and i already know that in the end of our life, we will life eternally. The question is where we live? Heaven or Hell? I already told my friends to trust God and to obey Him. It is my sunday school life. I can be catagorized as a smart children that can learn something new in a short time. My mom put me to one playgroup in 2,5 years old. Play groups are not popular like right now. I grow and everything seems run well.
I enter one of famous kindergarten in my town because my aunt recommend my family to studied there. On my age 3,5 years old, my friends sometimes did some harrasment on me. The most fatal is when one of boys in flag ceremony suddenly came to me and hit my stomach. I ever injured and I have to go to internist to heal my stomach that hurt by that boy. In my school, I couldn't do PE that need balance because my brain ever injured too and affect my balance. My mother worried about me and moved me to a new school that labeled as Christian school when I have to learn in elementary school.
In this new school,they threat me as a stranger and I couldn't count anymore how many times I have to cry because all girls there didn't like me. They mad to me and think that i will become their compatitor to get one man that they think attractive. As the time goes by, my headmaster also replaced by a new headmaster that sadistic and have mercy on my friend that close to his grandson. I have to get down to 3rd rank from the first rank because the first rank close with her grandson. She also recruit some teachers that teach in anger. Religion teacher that teach us to love one another, if one student false to answer her question, she will hit the student with the stick. After every session, the stick will broke up and she get a new one. One sadistic that i looked in my childhood is when one of my friends lie and my home room teacher took her steel pencil case and hit it to her head. How come it can happened in the Christian School. Finally my family took decision to move to my old school when i sit in the 4th grade. Now i can breath easily because my teacher loves her students. I graduate with the title as the best 10 of all students. Praise God.
Like anybody else i surely older and have to continue my education to junior High School. I did a test in number one school in Bogor and a famous one in other city. The result is i've been accepted in this school and here my life is not easy anymore. This school know the ability and strength of each student and in avarage. This school gave many homeworks,content,assignment and hard examinations. No one in this school can graduate without hardwork and focus on their academic.
First year in this school, I putted in a class that have a gang and the leader is actually a girl. She order one of my friends to tell me that the leader always cheat in the exam. Not too long from that moment, the leader said that " what a shame on you, how come you cheat on that exam." I never do that and i really mad to her. Finally, without thinking too long i said what i know about her, i said that she always cheat in every exam......i will continue my story tomorrow...
My life begin in this world!....ea...ea...ea.... it is an usual cry when a baby born but not with me...
November 20th,1990, right in my mother's birthday, she woke up and went with my father to search for some food and to celebrate her birthday simply. They finally went to eat Mie ayam, everything still undercontrol and my mom didn't feel anything. They went back to my Grandmother's home and suddenly she felt that the baby will born. In hurry, my father and my mother go to the hospital. It is already noon and the doctor said that the birth process will not begin now..My mom and dad wait for this moment and in short 21th November, my mom start the contraction, it is go on until November22th,1990,6.15 a.m. Finally i was born in this world but when I came out,I didn't breath and cried, the nurse and doctor already panic and worried about me. They hang me inverted and hit my bottom but I still sleep in silent. After the nurse suck up some liquid in my nose finally i awake and just cry for seconds.
In the year I was born, my family only hang their economic condition on my father's salaries as a salesman. My mom couldn't go to work because she have to bedrest along 1st trisemester of her pregnancy. My grandmother really worried about my family's condition but my mother only could pray and ask for God's companion from her 1st week until now. She pray to God that she gave a child that grow in her womb to God. My parent agree each other and they want to give me whatever the condition and term. After I was born, God always provides help to occupied my family needs. He never let my family couldn't eat even for a day.
I grow as a child that "know" God and His blessing. I can tell my friends to repent from their sins and i already know that in the end of our life, we will life eternally. The question is where we live? Heaven or Hell? I already told my friends to trust God and to obey Him. It is my sunday school life. I can be catagorized as a smart children that can learn something new in a short time. My mom put me to one playgroup in 2,5 years old. Play groups are not popular like right now. I grow and everything seems run well.
I enter one of famous kindergarten in my town because my aunt recommend my family to studied there. On my age 3,5 years old, my friends sometimes did some harrasment on me. The most fatal is when one of boys in flag ceremony suddenly came to me and hit my stomach. I ever injured and I have to go to internist to heal my stomach that hurt by that boy. In my school, I couldn't do PE that need balance because my brain ever injured too and affect my balance. My mother worried about me and moved me to a new school that labeled as Christian school when I have to learn in elementary school.
Like anybody else i surely older and have to continue my education to junior High School. I did a test in number one school in Bogor and a famous one in other city. The result is i've been accepted in this school and here my life is not easy anymore. This school know the ability and strength of each student and in avarage. This school gave many homeworks,content,assignment and hard examinations. No one in this school can graduate without hardwork and focus on their academic.
First year in this school, I putted in a class that have a gang and the leader is actually a girl. She order one of my friends to tell me that the leader always cheat in the exam. Not too long from that moment, the leader said that " what a shame on you, how come you cheat on that exam." I never do that and i really mad to her. Finally, without thinking too long i said what i know about her, i said that she always cheat in every exam......i will continue my story tomorrow...
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