Monday, September 10, 2012

Senior High School-Now

After a long time, I have promised to share my story to all of you about my life, now is the time. My 11th grade, I choose social class rather than science one. My teachers encouraged me to choose science class, my English teacher said to me, “Just go to science class, and sit there for one week. If you feel uncomfortable, you can go back to social class.” But in the deep of my heart and mind, I already made decision and no one can change my mind.
I’m not a stupid students neither lazy one. I just want to develop my talents outside the school. I want to prove that social students can make proud for school. I also don’t like hard competition; more over compete to bad scores… My school is a high standard school, they set high expectation to their student especially science one. Me, myself don’t like it. I always want to have good scores and in the same time get many achievements.


I prove it to my school, I can become a delegation from my school to join Model of United Nations held by UNPAR, I became quarter finalist of Aloysius Debate Competition, 3rd Winner for Speech Contest held by SMAN1 Bogor, First winner of Gonzaga Debate Competition, 4th winner of National Economics Olympics held in Trisakti.

PMUN 2007


Economics Competition

In the same time I can improve my rank from 10th Grade until 12th Grade. In the 10th grade I became 5th rank of the class.
 In the 11th grade I became 3rd rank of the class and in the end of 12th Grade I became 1st rank of the class.
In the senior high school, I didn’t really mind about partner in life because I have a principle that I have to focus on my study, if someone is my true love, he will never go away from my life. Until now I still waiting my true love form God. I want he is my first and my last.
In the beginning of my twelfth grade, all of my friends busy to search university they want to join with. I came from simple family, my parents didn’t have enough money to let me enter to the university. I start to worry about it but I learnt to lean my future in God’s hand. The day after I prayed, my school start to announce Scholarships, the first one is UNPAR. UNPAR is one of fame and favorite university in Bandung. I applied to UNPAR, they gave me PMDK, 30% discount for regular payment. I have to pay 17 million at that time without voluntary donations. The second one I got full scholarship from ITHB, SI Program without test. My teachers also offered me some scholarship from Japan, Singapore, and America. The third one, I also got 50% scholarship at Trisakti. The last one was UPH scholarship for Teacher College.

At that time I really asked God to show me which one is the best. Finally, God guide me to choose UPH in the end. As the only one child in the family, it was hard for me to stay in the dormitory. I have to adapt with my new environment. Over all, it was a good experience to study and stay there. My characters were changed a lot. Thanks God for it. 
UPH-TC ALUMNI 2008-2012

That’s all form my “school” life. What about you? May my story can be a blessing for my friends J

 Now I serve as a multimedia girl in GMS Favour satellite and I also serve as a Full Time Teacher at SDH Daan Mogot J
Multimedia Girl  J

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