Thursday, May 4, 2017

Bukannya sirik ya tapi agak terganggu jujur dengan istri2/pacar yang update status spt berikut ini, "Ah percuma nikah/pacaran kalau nonton/pergi/belanja sendiri." Cari suami apa cari temen nonton doang? Cari suami apa cari supir? Cari suami apa cari tukang bawa barang? hehehe... Rasanya ga pas kalau status seperti itu ditulis di FB/timeline line/ status IG maybe... sorry ya kalau ada yang tersindir atau tertabrak, status ini memang untuk Anda...

Cari suami/pacar itu bukan cari pelengkap tapi pendamping hidup saat susah maupun senang, saat sakit atau sehat, saat kaya atau miskin... Artinya siap menghadapi segala sesuatu baik pada saat dia ada atau tidak, saat dia bisa perhatian atau tidak(sibuk kerja)(perhatian mah harussss.....hehehe), saat dia dapat mengantar atau tidak, dsb... Toh waktu single bisa kan sendiri?

orang menikah itu harusnya 2 2 nya sama2 single(utuh) sehingga saling memberi karena jika kita memberi dari kekurangan kita maka pada suatu saat kita akan menuntut untuk dipenuhi...

Mengutip Ps.Juan Mogi minggu lalu, kasih itu memberi dan memberi dan memberi... Menikah itu juga harus dilandasi dengan kasih... Apakah saya adalah istri yang sempurna? Belum.. masih belajar juga apalagi usia pernikahan kami masih tergolong muda... tapi kalau kita bisa membangun healthy relationship saya rasa  benar seperti yang dikotbahkan minggu lalu yaitu fase honeymoon-pengenalan dan penerimaan (mungkin ada konflik dan ketidak senangan disini) lalu kembali ke fase honeymoon dan selamanya honeymoon....

Apa sih fase honeymoon itu? wait on my next post.... hehehe

Sunday, April 23, 2017

God knows the best

How do you feel when God said "Wait!"?

As a believer, we thought to be patient on waiting God's promises to be fulfilled in our lives. As a person, our human nature said the opposite. Our dreams to be a parent is not easy. i'm one of PCOS woman, means my ovulation is rarely happen. So it make me really desperate to have a child. But His words remind me constantly to have faith in Him. Maybe this time God wants me to practice my faith. I can easily have faith on material things such as house, car, and any other stuff. But for this one, I become a  person who just become a believer. I have to rely on Him, hope for His mercy and grace to give us a child.

I also believe, to strengthen the other you must through the same kind of problems too. So, If God want to use me as His tools to share His miracles upon my life, I must through the process too. Faith is hoping something that you know it is impossible. Faith goes beyond our mind, our logic, our strength, and our capability to make it comes true.

Maybe some of you will say, nowadays there are so many ways to get a child including IVf. Yes it is true, but when I think about it, I remember about Sarah that one step closer to get a child but She asked Abram to sleep with her maid. We want a child but we want God's miracle instead try our best to get a child.

In the beginning I asked you, how do you feel if God told you to wait? Our feeling must be sad, upset, or maybe even worse we start to hate God.

Hey you over there, If you hate God and start to stand the other side of Him then you have took a silly decision. God is our creator, the one who knows the best for us. If you start to take stand with devil means you lose. Remember, the devil is the the one that thrown away from God. You take stand with it means you are a loser too.

When God asked us to wait means He knows the best for us. Maybe, the road in front of us is a  cliff or the valley of shadows that filled with cries and suffering. Why you choose to jump to the valley of sorrow when you can taste His blessing on the ground you stand now.

For some of you, who felt like you've been fall to the valley, it's not  late yet to ask Him pull you from that place. Be grateful for what you have now and don't let the devil take it from You. Once again, I just want to say God knows the best for our life.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Wedding preparation part 1 Budget and Engagement

Hei Ho,

Welcome back

As I promise before, I will tell you guys about our preparation. May this post will help you to prepare your wedding celebration especially for those who meet this criteria:
Will be held on Indonesia (esp.Java)
Will be bless in church
Self prepare (Not prepared by parents or Wedding Organizer)
Self Funding
Below 150 million Rupiah

but for those who are not meet those criteria, don't be sad.. maybe some general stuff will help you too.. I hope I will have a WO some day...hehehe

Hmm, where we start?
Okay first thing first, as a Chinese descendant in Indonesia we have several tradition that could be optional or compulsory...
3 Kinds of tradition around marriage :
1. Engagement ( Compulsory)
2. Sangjit
3. Tea Pai after Holy Matrimony before celebration

As we know it as compulsory, so we held it on March 22th, 2015 but for the rest. nope nope..
We prefer Western/ International wedding

Engagement party held by the bride. The groom and his family come to the bride house/other place that was prepared by the bride. The groom and his family come and give several baskets of sweets/ apple/ oranges and other this that sweet and round. The number of the basket should be even number ( In my case, it was told by mother in law (from Bagan, Sumatra) ). Indeed, my friend said it should be odd number. This one will be vary as believe from Different Chinese culture in Indonesia.

And the woman have to serve 4 kinds of traditional cakes that wrapped by leaves or something that have layers.

After the groom family give baskets, the bride should serve tea for whole family. She also offer some cakes for the guest.

Then the father of the groom will ask the father of the bride to take his daughter to be the groom's wife.
And if the father of the bride accept, the mother of the groom will give the bride something that can be circled around for example ring, bracelet, and necklace.

And then all of the family take photos as usual ^^

In the second place for the preparation, you and your partner should make budgeting for your wedding
For example

Items Budget Plan Factual Survey Due Date DP Due date final payment Total payment Status Final Payment No.rekening  Nama Rek
Venue-Marcopolo 23,800,000 26,800,000            
Catering 60,000,000 41,000,000              
Photography 4,000,000 10,000,000              
Gaun Pengantin hr H and pre-wed 2,000,000 3,000,000              
Make up Bridal 3,000,000 3,600,000              
Jas Pengantin 0 1,000,000              
Cetak Undangan 5,000,000 2,100,000              
Wedding Cake 3,000,000 5,000,000              
Mobil Pengantin  1,000,000 1,750,000              
Souvenir  5,000,000 2,340,000            
Catatan Sipil 1,000,000 900,000              
Buket Pengantin  250,000 450,000              
Angpao Bridesmaid,pager ayu, Bestman 2,000,000 1,000,000              
Cincin 10,000,000 5,500,000              
Pemberkatan (Pendeta)                  
Pemberkatan (Snack) 1,000,000 500,000              
Make Up pre-Wed 1,000,000 1,000,000              
  122,050,000 105,940,000              

Okay, I guess it is enough for this post see you later ^^

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

My love story


God design a little heaven in my life

            Hi all, it's been a long time from my absence in this blog. I was busy back then by my wedding preparation last year. I'm a married woman to a lovely and handsome man, Mr.Welly Reagan. Our wedding was held on 10-10-15. Later, I will share my wedding preparation stories. How many of us still believe that drama movie can be real? I don't, personally..but it happened in my life. 
           So, this is the story.. Four and half years ago ( March- June 2011), I met this man. We were working in the same room. He prepared flyer for retreat in our church that day, and I came once in a week to prepare multimedia ministry on Sunday. So, we met and barely talk, just know each other.    I love another man on that period ( not my boyfriend just crush) . I looked him as a grown up man and I just a youth (He is too old for me). He is working and I just an undergraduate student. He is 4 years older than me. 
            I thought that our meetings stopped there. But, accidentally it's not. I was walking with my best friend (Ms.N) and I want to chat about my love life. He was in the same restaurant and saw us, He asked us to join him and his friends. He asked our BBM Pin and He started chat with my BF. He asked me so many information about her. Shortly, they were in a relationship from March,2012 until early June,2014. 
           In the same time, when they broke up, my phone broke up. So, my phone were going to service center and they don't have my temporary contact. I knew the news around late June by my BF. In the same time, I were considering another man. By July 14th,2104, He contacted me when I waited for that other man (Mr.H). Mr.H was went into a place until late night, He went to sleep without tell me his arrival.
          We (I and Mr,Welly) talked about his opinion on their broke up reason and end up with knowing our vision is same. I willingly submit my career and become a house wife. Anyway Mr.H want to go to same country with my BF. Mr.Welly and Ms.N broke up because Ms.N want to study abroad for a long time, but Mr.Welly didn't want to go. As I knew Mr.H and Ms.N want to go to same country so, I introduced Mr.H to Ms.N. They already went to that country, they were engaged,.
                As the story goes by, I'm continuing our story ( Mr.Welly and I). In our journey, the road wasn't smooth. His first action was, know my parents and He introduced me to His Dad. He was looking for a house that day. Stormy day came to our "PDKT" stage. Miscommunication and distance are the problem among us. Our communication style is different, I love to talk by phone. He love to text me. I hate it that way...Oughhh
                Another problem was come and go.. Day by day, week by week, month by month, and after 5 months, He finally asked me to become His life partner (proposing). He didn't asked me to be his girlfriend but his wife.. December 22, 2014. So, we are in relationship and have our engagement on March 22,2015, and held our wedding on October 10, 2015..

The drama part is that we exchange partner accidentally. I love this "accident"

God really design a little heaven in my life, since you came into my life... I love you Mr.Welly Reagan. +Welly Reagan 

Our journey to marriage stage will be share soon ^^

See you, Gbu


Priska Reagan

Thursday, January 8, 2015

My dream come true

Hi again...

Just come back from a long journey :p

Tema ku kali ini adalah mimpiku yang jadi nyata... Dari aku kecil, aku sudah memiliki sebuah nazar, ikrar, mimpi, janji atau apapun sebutannya. Hal itu agak sedikit ku sesali memasuki masa SMP, sepertinya Tuhan menutup jalan untuk orang-orang yang mencintaiku. Hubungan kami hanya berlangsung sampai PDKT. Tak pernah ada jawaban iya yang aku lontarkan.

Memasuki masa SMA, aku mulai kesal dan sedih ketika lagi-lagi sepertinya Tuhan tutup jalan. Nazar telah terucap, janji, dan mimpi tak dapat kutarik lagi. Terlanjur rasanya untuk berhenti di tengah jalan. Dengan idealisme yang tinggi aku melanjutkan hidup dan berusaha mengubur dalam-dalam keinginanku untuk memiliki pasangan. ku fokuskan diriku untuk belajar dan terus belajar. Godaan tentu banyak, tapi tak ku hiraukan.

Menapaki bangku kuliah, kurasa ini adalah saat yang tepat untuk membangun hubungan spesial. Tetapi kegagalan demi kegagalan terus ku temui. Hingga lelah hati ini mengapai asa yang melambung tinggi. Seringkali aku bersikap nekat dan aku tidak perduli akan kehendak Tuhan. Aku merasa Tuhan tidak adil, ak melihat teman-temanku yang memiliki pasangan sedangkan aku tidak.Tapi jalan tidak pernah terbuka untuk orang yang tidak tepat. Belum lagi pertanyaan sinis dari sanak saudara yang menanyakan mengenai kapan punya pacar? Oh Tuhan, rasanya aku ingin menghilang ditelan bumi

Kehampaan hati lebih terasa lagi ketika memasuki masa kerja awal. Rasanya aku sudah menjadi ratu bagi duniaku tapi dimana Raja untuk hatiku. Seolah tak kurang, aku sempat dengan seorang pria yang bahkan sudah datang menemui orang tuaku. Rasanya aku tak perlu lagi tanya Tuhan, yang penting aku mau dia. Tetapi karena bukan dia yang terbaik tetap Tuhan menjauhkannya dariku. 

Memasuki tahun ketiga aku bekerja(23,5 tahun) aku lebih tenang dan berusaha tegar, terlebih aku dipercaya untuk memegang kelas yang akan segera menghadapi UN. Menjadi walikelas 9 bukanlah hal yang mudah, banyak yang harus diurus. Di hari terakhir sebelum tahun ajaran 2013/2014 berakhir aku sempat bersyukur pada Tuhan, karena aku akan merasa sangat terbeban dengan adanya pasangan. Aku hanya berharap akan mempunyai pasangan di saat yang tepat. Tahun ajaran pun berganti, seseorang hadir dan aku hampir saja memilihnya. 

Tepat disaat yang nyaris bersamaan, aku merasa bukan dia yang tepat (sebut saja H).Untuk apa aku melajang selama 23,5 tahun dan nekat dengan orang yang tidak tepat. Di hari yang sama dimana aku melepaskannya, aku menjalin komunikasi dengan seorang teman lama yang juga adalah mantan pacar dari sahabatku(sebut saja N). Di saat yang sama, aku merasa apakah dia adalah yang terbaik? Hatiku seolah berkata, sepertinya dia yang terbaik. Pikiranku, kutepis jauh-jauh karena dia baru saja putus. Dan apakah pantas?

Singkat cerita, hubungan kami semakin dekat. Tak ada gelora asmara yang menggebu, hanya ada perjalanan yang terus dipertahankan ketika menghadapi badai dan jalan-jalan yang penuh dengan bebatuan tajam. Oh Tuhan, aku merasa tersiksa dengan perjalanan ini. Tapi kami terus bertahan. Satu titik, aku mengenalkan H dengan N. Saat aku kemukakan bahwa aku sedang dekat dengan mantannya, dia sempat marah. Tetapi pada akhirnya H dengan N bersatu(pacaran). Aku masih dalam status "digantung" hahaha.. 

Pada akhirnya, hari "penentuan" tiba. Aku dibawa ke Bandung untuk berkenalan dengan mamanya. Hari itu tanggal 19 Desember 2014, secara mendadak ia memintaku untuk berangkat dan menginap di Bandung. Tanggal 20 Desember 2014 sore,kami pulang. Sepanjang di Bandung dan perjalanan, ia sering menyentuhku mesra.. tapi kami masih sadar semua norma dan etika. Tanggal 21 Desember, kepala kami saling bersandaran di bioskop.
Tanggal 22 Desember 2014, ia memintaku untuk berkomitmen dengannya dan aku berikan surat penerimaan yang sudah aku siapkan sebelumnya. Saat itu, aku tahu bahwa Tuhan yang membuka jalan kami berdua. He is my first and my last... Love you to the moon and back my Charming Prince, are my best.

Thank you Lord, for guide us this far..